Business Valuation

Whether you are buying or selling a business, it's critically important to know a company's true value. Our valuation expertise and knowledge of the New York Metro marketplace along with our strategic alliance with a nationally recognized independent third party valuation firm allows us to deliver a full range of cost-effective business valuation products.

The following business valuation services are available:

Express SWOT analysis

The Express SWOT analysis is a report that can be used to do a situational analysis of your company. You will be able analyze the present Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats facing your company in the current business environment. You will learn how your company stacks up to industry financial KPIs, insights into your company specific market values and your local and national market positioning. The Express SWOT analysis contains financial, industry market and valuation analysis all in one report.
Price - $995

Price Evaluation Analysis
The Price Evaluation Analysis is an in-house restricted use report, utilized to determine the Most Probable Selling Price (MPSP) of businesses with annual revenues from $1,000,000 to $3,000,000. The report uses multiple price evaluation methods including the Market Method, the Multiple of Discretionary Earnings Method and the Buyers Test Method. The report is intended for asset sales only. The report considers historical and current financial performance and assumes that the business will be sold free and clear of any liabilities and debt. The conclusion of the Price Evaluation Analysis comes in the form of a report, typically in excess of 15 pages.
Price- $1,995

Calculation of Value
The Calculation of Valuation is an independent third party restricted use business valuation intended for business with sales between $3,000,000 and $10,000,000. The report provides a detailed review of all aspects that were considered in determining the final valuation conclusion. The bulk of the report is financial analysis and the valuation conclusion is supported in detail. In addition to reviewing the company's historical and projected earnings, the report also contains a detailed review of the balance sheet. The conclusion of the Calculation of Value comes in the form of a report, typically in excess of 30 pages.
Price - $3,995

Complete Appraisal-Summary Report
The Complete Appraisal-Summary Report is an independent third party restricted use comprehensive business valuation used for transactional purposes. This valuation is intended for lower middle market business with annual revenues in excess of $10,000,000, strategic acquisitions of niche businesses, and businesses with significant growth expected in the future. The basis of the valuation is focused on future earnings and the selection of guideline companies comes from both the private and public markets. The conclusion of this   Appraisal comes in the form of a report which can exceed 50 pages depending on the information that is used to support the conclusion.
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Complete Appraisal-Self Contained Report
The Complete Appraisal-Self Contained Report is an independent third party USPAP governed valuation, developed for litigation focusing on US Court Reviews, Cited Court Precedents, and in-depth analysis and research of minority and marketability discounts. This valuation is intended for Estate Tax, Gift Tax, ESOP's, Divorce, and any situation requiring litigation support. Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and American Society of Appraisers (ASA) address this report as a “Comprehensive, Written Business Valuation Report”. The Institute of Business Appraisers (IBA) addresses this report as a “Formal Written Report”. This report is completely customized and can exceed 100 pages depending on the information that is used to support the conclusion.
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